Alternative Education

NLS - Provider of Alternative Education Services for Disruptive Youth (AEDY)

Nittany Learning Services is a Private Provider of Alternative Education Services for Disruptive Youth (AEDY) Pennsylvania’s Alternative Education for Disruptive Youth Program (AEDY) provides a combination of intense, individual academic instruction and behavior modification counseling in an alternative setting to assist students in returning successfully to their regular classroom.

Alternative Education for Disruptive Youth (AEDY) Program:

The AEDY program is designed to support a school’s efforts to provide a temporary placement for disruptive students in grades 6 through 12. Students enrolled in a program will continue to make academic progress and work to remedy disruptive behavior through counseling and other behavioral interventions. Unless the seriousness of a student’s behavior warrants immediate placement, local programs shall refer and admit students only when other documented and established methods of discipline have failed, and shall limit enrollment to disruptive students as defined by the Pennsylvania School Code (24 P.S. 19-1901-C (5)).
Disruptive student: A student, in grades 6 through 12, who poses a clear threat to the safety and welfare of other students or the school staff, who creates an unsafe school environment, whose behavior materially interferes with the learning of other students, or disrupts the overall educational process. The disruptive student exhibits to a marked degree any or all of the following conditions: 1. Disregard for school authority, including persistent violation of school policy and rules; 2. Display of or use of controlled substances on school property or during school-affiliated activities; 3. Violent or threatening behavior on school property or during school-related activities; 4. Possession of a weapon on school property, as defined by Pennsylvania Crimes Code (18 Pa. C.S.A. Section 912 – relating to possession of weapon on school property); 5. Commission of a criminal act on school property; 6. Misconduct that would merit suspension or expulsion under school policy; and/or Habitual truancy (all procedures, including the implementation of a Truancy Elimination Plan must have been implemented.)
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